Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Los sonidos de las vocales en español - Vowel sounds in Spanish for complete beginners

Hola a todos,

Once you learn the sounds of the letters in Spanish it can be a lot easier to pronounce new words.

Today we are going to check the sounds of the vowels in Spanish and compare them to similar sounds in English words.

  • A in Spanish is like the a sound in CAT
  • E is ike the initial e sound in ELEPHANT
  • I is like the ee sound in the word KEEP
  • O is like the short o sound in the word POT
  • U is like the double oo sound in MOO (like the sound cows make)
Now read the following words outloud to practice your sounds in Spanish:
  • CASA
  • ISLA
  • OSO
  • UVAS


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